نشاطات التعلم

90,000-Year-Old Human Footprints Found On Moroccan Beach


عدد الكلمات

عدد الكلمات 387

مرحله القراءة

استمع إلى المقال

Researchers found ancient human footprints in Morocco (Credit: Sedrati, M., et al./ CC-BY-SA-2.0/ Phys.org)

An international team of archeologists examining boulders in Larache, Morocco, in June 2022 stumbled upon an exciting find — 85 ancient human footprints pressed on the beach. The two trails of intact prints are estimated to be around 90,000 years old. They are the first such tracks found in North Africa. They are also among the oldest ones attributed to modern humans. The details of the fascinating discovery were published in the journal Nature in January 2024.