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مقالات علمية

Researchers Have A New Theory About Boat Ramming Orcas

Since 2020, juvenile orcas have been intentionally colliding with boats off the coasts of Spain, Portugal, France, and Morocco. The most recent incident occurred off Spain’s northwest coast on August 25, 2024. A pod of killer whales damaged the rudder of a sailboat named the Amidala, leaving its two passengers stranded. While this boat remained afloat, the orcas' attacks have caused at least seven vessels to sink in the past four years....

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World's Biggest Carbon Absorbing Plant Opens In Iceland

Carbon dioxide (CO2), released by burning fossil fuels like oil and coal, is a large contributor to global warming. Switching to renewable energy sources like solar panels and wind turbines can help reduce the harmful emissions. However, phasing out fossil fuels entirely will take time. Meanwhile, companies like Climeworks are developing innovative solutions to reduce atmospheric CO2 levels. On May 8, 2024, the Switzerland-based startup turned on Mammoth, the world's largest direct air capture (DAC) plant....

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44,000-Year-Old Mummified Wolf Could Reveal Secrets From The Past

A mummified adult wolf could offer scientists valuable insights into the late Pleistocene era (129,000 to 11,700 years ago). The animal was buried in thick permafrost for over 44,000 years. It was unearthed by the residents of Sakha, Russia, in 2021. The specimen boasted well-preserved teeth, fur, and internal organs, including the stomach. It was the first complete adult wolf found from the late Ice Age....

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Rare Orange Lobster Rescued By Restaurant Employee

July 12, 2024, began like any other day for Jose Romero. The dishwasher at Red Lobster in Pueblo, Colorado, began his shift by unpacking the day's lobster shipments. But as he dug into the crate filled with the live crustaceans, he noticed a vibrant orange lobster. It was unlike any other he had seen in his twelve years at the job....

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Perseid Meteor Showers Promise A Dazzling Show This Year

There are numerous meteor showers throughout the year. However, few are as popular, or as reliable, as the Perseids. The "shooting stars" have been zooming across the skies at a rate of about a dozen an hour since mid-July. But the best time to watch them will be from midnight to dawn on August 11, 12, and 13, 2024. That is when the number of meteors will increase sharply to between 50 and 100 an hour. Also, unlike previous years, this upcoming show will not be overshadowed by a bright Moon. This will make it easier to view even the dimmer meteors....

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June Solstice Marks The Start Of The Northern Hemisphere Summer

On June 20, 2024, Northern Hemisphere residents will celebrate the first official day of summer. Also known as the June solstice, it is the day when the North Pole is most tilted toward the Sun. As a result, the Northern Hemisphere will enjoy its longest day of 2024. Conversely, those in the Southern Hemisphere will mark the start of winter with the year's shortest day....

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Dr. Catherine Wu Wants To Make Personalized Cancer Vaccines A Reality

Scientists have found cures for many types of diseases. However, a guaranteed way to fight cancer has proved elusive. That is because every person's cancer is based on their particular genes. Dr. Catherine Wu and her team at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, Massachusetts, aim to change that by developing custom vaccines to fight each person's unique cancer....

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This Armored Ancestor Of Modern Crocodiles Roamed Earth Over 200 Million Years Ago

Researchers from the University of Texas (UT) Austin recently announced the discovery of a new aetosaur species. These prehistoric relatives of modern crocodiles, which ruled the world before dinosaurs, came in many shapes and sizes. The heavily armored creatures went extinct around 200 million years ago. However, their fossils can still be found on every continent except Antarctica and Australia....

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Powerful Solar Storms Create Dazzling Auroras

This past weekend, the Sun let its presence be felt by unleashing a series of massive solar flares. The resulting auroras were visible across the Northern Hemisphere and even parts of the Southern Hemisphere, treating stargazers to a rare and breathtaking spectacle....

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Smart Orangutan Uses Medicinal Plant To Heal Wound

A Sumatran orangutan named Rakus has stunned researchers by treating a cheek wound with a medicinal plant. The male primate, believed to be about 35 years old, lives in Gunung Leuser National Park in northern Sumatra, Indonesia. The protected rainforest is home to over 750 animal species, including 150 orangutans....

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Two Cicada Broods Set To Emerge Together In Rare Occurrence

Sixteen US states, stretching from Maryland to Oklahoma and Illinois to Alabama, are bracing for the arrival of trillions of noisy cicadas. What makes the event especially rare is that two broods are emerging simultaneously. Brood XIX, comprising four species that surfaces every 13 years, and Brood XIII, consisting of three species that appears every 17 years. This unusual coincidence last occurred 221 years ago, in 1803, and won't happen again until 2245....

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"Devil Comet" Will Be At Its Brightest On April 21

On April 21, 2024, the 10.5-mile-wide (17 km) Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks, also called "Devil Comet," will make its closest approach to the Sun. As it comes near the star, the comet will brighten significantly and be visible in the western sky an hour after sunset. The icy rock will appear as a fuzzy glowing patch with a faint tail streaking behind....

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Gene-Edited Pig Kidney Transplanted Into Living Person For The First Time

In a world first, doctors at the Massachusetts General Hospital (Mass General) in Boston have successfully transplanted a genetically modified pig kidney into a living person. The March 21, 2024, announcement came just months after the successful completion of similar transplants in deceased individuals. The historic four-hour surgery took place on March 16, 2024. The 15-member transplant team included experts who had spent their entire careers working on organ research....

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The Countdown To The April 8 Total Solar Eclipse Has Begun

On April 8, 2024, millions of people across Central and North America will be treated to a spectacular total solar eclipse. The celestial event comes seven years after the "Great American Eclipse" of August 21, 2017 — the first total solar eclipse visible from coast to coast since June 8, 1918. For those who miss the April 2024 show, the next chance to see the spectacle will be August 12, 2045....

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Tiny Frog With Mushroom Growing From its Side Found In India

In the summer of 2023, Lohit Y.T. and his team at the World Wildlife Fund-India traveled to the foothills of the Western Ghats in Karnataka, India. They hoped to research the area's amphibians and reptiles, which often emerge during the humid monsoon season. While documenting a cluster of about 40 Rao's intermediate golden-backed frogs near a small pond, the naturalists noticed something unusual. One of the amphibians had a mushroom sprouting from its side!...

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Shape-Shifting Plastic May Be In Your Future

What if you could transform the plastic spoon you used at lunch into a cup for your water and then change it back to a spoon? That is precisely what researchers at the University of Chicago's Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering had in mind when they created "pluripotent plastic."...

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