نشاطات التعلم

"Magic Carpet" Deep-Sea Worm Discovered Near Costa Rica


عدد الكلمات

عدد الكلمات 472

مرحله القراءة

استمع إلى المقال

An image of a living male Pectinereis strickrott worm captured by scientists. The worm's feather-like parapodia can be seen in yellow (Credit: Ekin Tilic/ Scripps.ucsd.edu/ CC-BY-SA-2.0)

A new species of ragworm, likened to a living magic carpet, has been discovered in the methane seeps 30 miles (48 km) off the coast of Costa Rica. The rose-colored Pectinereis strickrotti (P. strickrotti) is one of 450 species found in the area since 2009. Forty-eight of them are new to science.