نشاطات التعلم

Scream For Ice Cream ! July Is National Ice Cream Month


عدد الكلمات

عدد الكلمات 393

مرحله القراءة

استمع إلى المقال

July is National Ice Cream Month (Credit: Teejay/ Pxhere.com/ CC-BY-SA-2.0)

President Ronald Reagan's love for jelly beans was well-known. However, America's 40th leader also had a soft spot for ice cream. In 1984, he issued Proclamation 5219. It declared July as National Ice Cream Month and the third Sunday of July as National Ice Cream Day. Americans are urged to celebrate the month "with appropriate ceremonies and activities." This means eating as much ice cream as you can. These fun facts will keep you entertained while you perform your civic duty.