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مقالات علمية

Astronomers Detect A Star Swallowing A Planet

Scientists have long theorized that older stars swell up as they age and devour nearby planets. However, the assumption has been derived from observations made before and after the event. Now, for the first time, astronomers have caught a star in the act of engulfing a planet. The star, known as ZTF SLRN-2020, resides approximately 12,000 light-years away in our galaxy near the Aquila constellation....

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4.6 Billion-Year-Old Meteorite Crash-lands Inside New Jersey Home

When Suzy Kop entered her father's bedroom on May 8, 2023, she was stunned to find a grapefruit-sized rock next to a big dent on the wooden floor. Upon further investigation, the New Jersey resident saw two holes in the ceiling. It appeared that the stone had struck the floor with such great force that it rebounded and punched a second hole before landing back....

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Beware The Spotted Lanternfly

To the untrained eye, the spotted lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula) may look like a beautiful butterfly. The insect's front wings are light brown with black spots, while its hind wings have contrasting patches of red and black with a white band in between. However, the spotted lanternfly is a pest that feasts on and damages crops. It poses a serious threat to farmers across America....

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Bald Eagle That Tried To Hatch A Rock Finally Gets To Be A Stepdad

In early March 2023, Murphy, a bald eagle at the World Bird Sanctuary in Valley Park, Missouri, began to spend his entire day sitting on a makeshift nest inside his aviary. The behavior was not unusual in itself. Male bald eagles always help females during the incubation process. However, in this case, the 31-year-old bird was trying to hatch a rock!...

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Columbia University Engineers 3D Print An Edible Cheesecake

Over the years, scientists have used 3D printers for various products. They include electronic devices, jewelry and even artificial organs. Now, mechanical engineers from New York's Columbia University have unveiled a 3D-printed cheesecake made with seven ingredients. This is the most number of items ever used to print a single food product....

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Rare Hybrid Solar Eclipse Set To Occur On April 20th

This year's eclipse season will begin with a bang with a hybrid solar eclipse on April 20, 2023. The rare astronomical event occurs just once every decade. The last one was on November 3, 2013, and the next one will not be until November 30, 2031. Unfortunately, the celestial phenomenon will only be seen in western Australia, East Timor, and eastern Indonesia....

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These Ancient Penguins Weighed A Staggering 340 Pounds!

An international team of researchers has found the fossilized remains of the largest-known penguin on Earth. The newfound species is thought to have weighed about 340 pounds (154 kg). This is over three times heavier than the largest living species, the emperor penguin. The record previously belonged to a 256-pound (116 kg) penguin that lived in Antarctica about 37 million years ago....

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March 14 Is Pi(e) Day!

A holiday celebrating a math constant may not seem very exciting. But Pi ("π") Day, observed annually in the US on March 14 (3/14), is an exception. The celebrations usually start with math activities centered around pi — the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter — widely recognized as 3.14. But they typically end with a slice or two of delicious pie!...

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Groundbreaking Malaria Vaccines Give Hope To Millions

Malaria is a life-threatening disease caused by parasites. It is transmitted to humans through the bites of infected female mosquitoes. Malaria can be found in most tropical and subtropical climates. But Africa is the most affected for a number of reasons. In 2021, 619,000 people died of malaria worldwide. Most were young children in sub-Saharan Africa. However, there is hope. Two recently-approved vaccines may provide some protection against this deadly disease....

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Glowing Worms Help Detect Indoor Air Pollution

The health impacts of outdoor air pollution are well-known. But indoor air pollution, caused by emissions from building materials or even air fresheners, can be just as harmful. Yet, there are no widely-accepted methods to detect the toxins. But researchers at the University of Turku in Finland hope to change that with the help of tiny glowing worms....

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Nine-Year-Old Fossil Hunter Discovers Massive Megalodon Tooth

Nine-year-old Molly Sampson and her 17-year-old sister Natalie had only one item on their Christmas list last year. They wanted chest-high waterproof overalls to "go shark's-tooth hunting like professionals." Their wish was granted. On Christmas morning, the sisters set out to Maryland's Calvert Beach with their father to put their new equipment to use....

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Rare, Green Comet To Make An Appearance Starting This Week

Starting January 12, 2023, stargazers will get a once-in-a-lifetime chance to see a rare comet with a greenish hue. Astronomers discovered Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) in March 2022 when it was inside Jupiter's orbit. NASA scientists believe this may be the comet's first sighting. If the icy body did pass our planet previously, it was probably thousands of years ago....

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Camera Footage Captures Octopuses Throwing Debris At Each Other

Octopuses are among the smartest animals in the ocean. The invertebrates can navigate through mazes, complete tasks in exchange for food, and even recognize human faces. Now, the clever animals have been caught throwing objects at one another. The rare behavior has previously been seen in only a few animals like chimpanzees, elephants, and birds....

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Geminid Meteor Showers Will Light Up The Night Skies On December 13 And 14

Sky watchers are treated to over thirty meteor showers throughout the year. However, most pale in comparison to the Geminids. Nicknamed the "900-pound gorilla of meteor showers" by NASA, they outweigh other dust streams by factors of between 5 to 500! The "shooting stars" have been active since December 4 and will continue until December 17, 2022. But their best showing will be on the night of December 13 into the morning of December 14, 2022, when up to 120 meteors will be flying through the sky every hour....

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Newly-Found T. Rex Ancestor Had Spiked Horns Around Its Eyes

The Tyrannosaurus rex (T. rex) was one of the most ferocious dinosaurs that roamed Earth in the very late Cretaceous period — about 66 million years ago. Over the years, scientists have collected substantial information on the tiny-armed reptile itself. However, very little is known about how the vicious predator evolved. Now paleontologists at the Badlands Dinosaur Museum in North Dakota believe they may have found an essential missing link to the T. rex's lineage....

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