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The World's Biggest Glacier May Be Melting Faster Than Previously Believed

The Thwaites Glacier in West Antarctica is the world's largest and widest glacier. The massive ice sheet stretches 80 miles (129 km) across, roughly the size of Florida. The glacier loses about 50 billion tons of ice annually and already accounts for about 4 percent of the planet's current sea level rise. If it were to melt completely, it could raise global sea levels by about two feet (61 cm). This would displace millions of people in coastal communities worldwide. It is no wonder the ice mass has been nicknamed "Doomsday Glacier."...

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Claudia Sheinbaum Is Mexico's First Female President

Claudia Sheinbaum made history on June 2, 2024, when she became the first female president of Mexico. She is also the first person of Jewish heritage to lead this primarily Catholic nation. Sheinbaum's achievement is even more remarkable considering that women in Mexico only gained the right to vote 70 years ago, in 1953....

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June Solstice Marks The Start Of The Northern Hemisphere Summer

On June 20, 2024, Northern Hemisphere residents will celebrate the first official day of summer. Also known as the June solstice, it is the day when the North Pole is most tilted toward the Sun. As a result, the Northern Hemisphere will enjoy its longest day of 2024. Conversely, those in the Southern Hemisphere will mark the start of winter with the year's shortest day....

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Gloucestershire's Cheese Rolling Competition Is Like None Other

Every year on the last Monday of May, thousands of people from around the world gather at Cooper's Hill in Gloucestershire, England, for the Cheese Rolling competition. This unusual contest requires participants to run, or as is usually the case, tumble, down the steep hill to try to catch an 8-pound (3.6-kg) rolling wheel of cheese....

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Juneteenth, Explained

Juneteenth is observed annually on June 19. The federal holiday commemorates the end of slavery in the United States (US). On this day in 1865, the last enslaved people in America learned they were free....

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National Donut Day: A Sweet Celebration With A Rich History

Looking for an excuse to eat a donut? Then, you will be thrilled to know that June 7, 2024, is National Donut Day. This makes it your civic duty to indulge in the fried treat. The sweet holiday is celebrated annually on the first Friday of June. It was created by Salvation Army volunteers to raise funds for those in need....

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Dr. Catherine Wu Wants To Make Personalized Cancer Vaccines A Reality

Scientists have found cures for many types of diseases. However, a guaranteed way to fight cancer has proved elusive. That is because every person's cancer is based on their particular genes. Dr. Catherine Wu and her team at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, Massachusetts, aim to change that by developing custom vaccines to fight each person's unique cancer....

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One-Cent Postage Stamp Expected To Sell For Millions At Auction

Acquiring an old postage stamp for millions of dollars might seem extravagant. But the 1868 Benjamin Franklin Z Grill is no ordinary stamp. It is one of only two of its kind known to exist. One is part of the collection at the New York Public Library. The second Z Grill, held by private collector Bill Gross, will be auctioned on June 14, 2024....

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This Armored Ancestor Of Modern Crocodiles Roamed Earth Over 200 Million Years Ago

Researchers from the University of Texas (UT) Austin recently announced the discovery of a new aetosaur species. These prehistoric relatives of modern crocodiles, which ruled the world before dinosaurs, came in many shapes and sizes. The heavily armored creatures went extinct around 200 million years ago. However, their fossils can still be found on every continent except Antarctica and Australia....

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Celebrating Memorial Day

Memorial Day is celebrated annually on the last Monday of May. The federal holiday, which will be marked on May 27, 2024, honors all military personnel who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces. This includes the men and women in the Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, and Navy....

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Your Next Outfit Could Be Made With Human Hair

As the fashion industry confronts sustainability and environmental challenges, designers are exploring innovative ways to reduce waste and minimize their ecological footprint. Zsofia Kollar, the founder of Human Material Loop, is turning to an unexpected resource to reduce her impact — human hair. The Dutch entrepreneur collects hair cuttings from hairdressers and transforms them into fabric for clothes, curtains, carpets, and furniture....

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Powerful Solar Storms Create Dazzling Auroras

This past weekend, the Sun let its presence be felt by unleashing a series of massive solar flares. The resulting auroras were visible across the Northern Hemisphere and even parts of the Southern Hemisphere, treating stargazers to a rare and breathtaking spectacle....

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Smart Orangutan Uses Medicinal Plant To Heal Wound

A Sumatran orangutan named Rakus has stunned researchers by treating a cheek wound with a medicinal plant. The male primate, believed to be about 35 years old, lives in Gunung Leuser National Park in northern Sumatra, Indonesia. The protected rainforest is home to over 750 animal species, including 150 orangutans....

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Thieves Pull Off Daring $30 Million Heist In California

In a plot twist straight out of a Hollywood movie, thieves stole a staggering $30 million from a money storage facility in Southern California. The daring heist, one of the largest in US history, occurred on the night of Easter Sunday, March 31, 2024. The carefully planned operation has left the police baffled....

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Americans Plan To Spend $33.5 Billion For Mom's Big Day In 2024

Every year on the second Sunday in May, Americans shower their mothers with lavish gifts and treats. This year's celebration on May 12, 2024, will be no exception. A National Retail Federation (NRF) survey indicates that the 84 percent of US adults who plan to celebrate Mother's Day will each spend an average of $254. This adds up to a staggering total of $33.5 billion. It is just shy of the record $35.7 billion spent in 2023. It is no wonder that retailers look forward to the holiday almost as much as mothers....

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Two Cicada Broods Set To Emerge Together In Rare Occurrence

Sixteen US states, stretching from Maryland to Oklahoma and Illinois to Alabama, are bracing for the arrival of trillions of noisy cicadas. What makes the event especially rare is that two broods are emerging simultaneously. Brood XIX, comprising four species that surfaces every 13 years, and Brood XIII, consisting of three species that appears every 17 years. This unusual coincidence last occurred 221 years ago, in 1803, and won't happen again until 2245....

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May Celebrates Asian American And Pacific Islander Heritage

May is Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month in the United States (US). The month-long celebration recognizes the historical and cultural contributions of the AAPI community. The broad term includes 50 ethnic groups that speak over 100 languages. They have roots in more than 40 countries. These include China, India, Japan, the Philippines, Vietnam, and Korea....

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